Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM, CERP, membre AAEP et ASME
Stéphane Montavon, doctor in veterinary medicine (DVM) been born in 1960 in Lausanne, grew up in Geneva, studied the veterinary medicine in Bern. During several years, he worked as a practitioner for horses at the former Swiss army horse reserve (DFCA/EMPFA) at the national Stud farm in Avenches, at the University of California Davis (USA) as well as in his own equine practice in Geneva before passing in the industry to become a director of a veterinary pharmaceutical products company. Since 2003, Stéphane Montavon is the chief of the veterinary service of the Swiss army. He is so the upper professional of all the veterinarians of the army and in this function, he manages the domain horse of the train troops and the national equestrian center (CENB/NPZB). This former president of the Swiss association of equine medicine (ASME/SVPM) also chaired for eight years the veterinary Committee of the Swiss equestrian federations (FSSE/SVPS). Since 2005, Montavon is a member of the Swiss jumping committee as technical manager and, as co-chef d’équipe, he accompanied the Swiss showjumping riders at various CSIO’s such as Calgary, Hickstead, Gothenburg, Gijon, Lisbon, Falsterbo as well as in many more competitions. He is an expert Youth and Sport (J+S) and a professional trainer Elite of Swiss Olympic. He began his career in the equestrian sports in training supervised by the legendary dressage trainer Georg Wahl to go up then for more than 15 years in Three-day Eventing until the level 2 stars. Stéphane Montavon was an active rider in the sport of show jumping up to the degree 130/135.
Curriculum Vitae Stéphane Montavon, 2021
Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM - AAEP 2014
Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM - AAEP 2016
Dr Séphane Montavon, DVM - AAEP 2019
Colonel Stéphane Montavon - 2021 Swiss Armed Forces
Colonel Stéphane Montavon - 2021 Swiss Armed Forces
Colonel Stéphane Montavon - 2021 Swiss Armed Forces
Colonel Stéphane Montavon - 2021 Swiss Armed Forces
Colonel Stéphane Montavon - 2021 Swiss Armed Forces
Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM, CERP, membre AAEP et ASME
Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM, PhD - San Antonio - AAEP Convention 2022
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2024
- Webinar: Do Training Aids Provide a Biomechanical Advantage or Challenge to the Horse - Russell MacKechnie-Guire - 21 January 2024 (PDF, 183 Ko)
- 18th Veterinary Sport Horse Congress Amsterdam 26 and 27 January 2024 - CPD Dr Montavon Stéphane, DVM (PDF, 230 Ko)
- Webinar Assessment of Back Health - Michael Weishaupt 1 February 2024 - CPD Dr Stéphane montavon, DVM (PDF, 183 Ko)
- Webinar Odontoplasty: are we rapsing too much - CPD Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM_ 10022024 (PDF, 119 Ko)
- Webinar: Obejective Lameness Assessment Alternatives for the Equine Practitioner with Dr Constanza Gomez Alvarez - 15022024 - CPD Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 183 Ko)
- Séminaire Ergonomie et Biomécanique - IENA Academy - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM - 02032024 (PDF, 1.7 Mo)
- Seminar Augenerkrankungen beim Pferd - ZH - 07032024 - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 1.0 Mo)
- Webinaire Welfare Parameters in Horse Sport with Mette Uldahl - 04042024 - CPD Dr Stéphane Montavon DVM (PDF, 183 Ko)
- FEI Official Vet 3* Maintenance Course - Bern - 05042024 (PDF, 1.2 Mo)
- Webinar Equine dentistry - the Past - the Present and the Future - Jack Easley and Padraic Dixon - HDE - 06042024 (PDF, 120 Ko)
- Seminar Vetsuisse ZH - Zähne und Sinuserkrankungen beim Pferd - CPD Dr Stéphane Montavon DVM - 18042024 (PDF, 1.0 Mo)
- Webinar - Head and Neck Position in Ridden Horses- from A Biomechanical and Behavioural Perspective - 13102024 - Stephane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 186 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2023
- Rider Biomechanics - 5th February 2023 - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 124 Ko)
- Use and Application of Ground and Raised Poles - 2nd March 2023 - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 124 Ko)
- 14 Twydil Scientific Equine Clinics 15 mars 2023 - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 150 Ko)
- Understanding Tendons and Ligaments of the Lower Limb - 24th March 2023 - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 440 Ko)
- Sarkoide und Tumore beim Pferd - Certificate of attendante - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM - Vetsuisse ZH 13042023 (PDF, 557 Ko)
- Lesions Associated with the Bit - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM - HDE - 15042023 (PDF, 119 Ko)
- Vorkongress STT Notfallmediziner - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon - 03 mai 2023 (PDF, 427 Ko)
- STT Fribourg 2023 - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon - 04 mai 2023 (PDF, 546 Ko)
- Ferrer ou déferrer - IENA Academy - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon - 06 mai 2023 (PDF, 562 Ko)
- Journée de recherche équine suisse - Certificat de participation - Avenches - 20 avril 2023 (PDF, 234 Ko)
- Seminar Hufbeschlag - braucht es diesen überhaupt noch - Teilnahmebestätigung Dr St. Montavon - 29. Juni 2023 (PDF, 24 Ko)
- Stammer Kinetics ECVM und Fesselträgerreizung - Teilnahmebestätigung Dr St. Montavon - Roggwil - 02 Juli 2023 (PDF, 21 Ko)
- Equines Asthma beim Sportpferd - Teilnahmebestätigung Dr Stéphane Montavon 05 Juli 2023 (PDF, 222 Ko)
- Webinar Dental Pathologies in Geriatric Horses - Certificate of Attendance - 22072023 (PDF, 120 Ko)
- Webinar Equine Back Movement During Circular Locomotion When Ridden - Certificate of Attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon 06082023 (PDF, 935 Ko)
- Webinar Equine Laterality and Effects on Health and Performance - Certificate of Attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon - 20082023 (PDF, 123 Ko)
- Pferde Neurologie Themen und Halschirurgie - Böhringer Seminar - Certificate of Attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon - 17082023 (PDF, 542 Ko)
- Congress ECVSMR Paris - 2023 - certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM, CERP (PDF, 262 Ko)
- Webinar on Cervical Dysfunction with Dr Nadine Blum, DVM - 21102023 - CPD Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM, CERP (PDF, 158 Ko)
- Symposium Pferde 2023 - Zürich - Referent an der Fachtagung (PDF, 1.4 Mo)
- IENA Academy - Séminaire Reconversion, Retraite, Euthanasie - 25.11.2023 - Certificate of attendance - Dr Stéphane Montavon, DVM (PDF, 1.6 Mo)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2022
- Webinar Diagnosis and Management of Impinged Spinous Processes in Sport Horses - Kevin Haussler - 6th March 2022 (PDF, 624 Ko)
- Webinar Proprioception:what it is and can it benefit Performance and Rehabilitation - Hilray Clayton 12 March 2022 (PDF, 688 Ko)
- Entrainement et Bien-être du cheval de sport - IENA Campus 19 mars 2022 (PDF, 322 Ko)
- Webinar - Evidence based Farriery - Haydn Price 22nd March 2022 (PDF, 695 Ko)
- Twydil Equine Scientific Clinics - 16 mars 2022 - Berne (PDF, 162 Ko)
- Vetsuisse ZH - Orthopädie und Bildgebung 7. April 2022 - Certificate of Attendante (PDF, 303 Ko)
- Equine Myofascial Kinetic Connections - Dr V. Elrond - Part 1 - Certificate of Attendance (PDF, 485 Ko)
- Equine Myofascial Kinectic Connections - Dr V. Elbrond - Part 2 - Certificate of Attendance (PDF, 485 Ko)
- Dental EORTH Webinar HDE - 23 April 2022 - certificate of Attendance (PDF, 119 Ko)
- Dealing with Tooth Fractures - Webinar - HDE - 7. May 2022 - Certificate of Attendance (PDF, 119 Ko)
- Schweizerische Tierärzte Tage 2022 Basel - ASME und SVPM - certificate of Attendante (PDF, 1.6 Mo)
- Weiterbildung Vetsuisse - Asthma beim Pferd - 9 juin 2022 (PDF, 499 Ko)
- L'évaluation du bien-être du cheval - IENA Campus - 11 juin 2022 (PDF, 575 Ko)
- Webinar on Equine Laterality and its Effect on Equine Health and Performance - 11 June 2022 (PDF, 643 Ko)
- Webinar Hilary Clayton - Locomotor Apparatus of the Horse - Certificate of attendance 16072022 (PDF, 642 Ko)
- Webinar Hilary Clayton - a Strong Healthy Back - Certificate of attendance - 23072022 (PDF, 645 Ko)
- Resocialisation et sociabilisation du cheval - IENA Campus - attestation Stéphane Montavon (PDF, 605 Ko)
- Teilnahmebestätigung Dr Stéphane Montavon - Lahmheitsdiagnostik beim Pferd - Zürich 8. September 2022 (PDF, 159 Ko)
- Teilnahmebestätigung Webinar - Medizinische Betreuung von Eseln - 06 Oktober 2022 (PDF, 1.0 Mo)
- Certificate of Attendance - Webinar Conformation of Sporthorses - Prof Hilary Clayton - 06102022 (PDF, 651 Ko)
- Webinar - Water Treadmill Exercices - Certificate of Attendance - Stéphane Montavon - 15102022 (PNG, 717 Ko)
- Webinar - Gait Analaysis - Certificate of Attendance - Stéphane Montavon - 21102022 (PNG, 715 Ko)
- Brennpunkt Pferd 2022 - Das ältere Pferd (PDF, 149 Ko)
- Symposium Pferde 2022 - Wie lernt ein Pferd - Zürich 25 - 26 November 2022 (PDF, 862 Ko)
- AAEP 2022 - San Antonio, TX, USA - Certificate of Continuing Education (PDF, 1.6 Mo)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2021
- Online Seminar "Sportmedizin, Training und Reiten" Vetsuisse ZH (PDF, 637 Ko)
- Wall Street English - Diploma - Level C1 - 2021 (PDF, 447 Ko)
- Twydil Scientific Equine Clinics - Online - 2021 (PDF, 656 Ko)
- ISME; Equine Astma and Dermatology - Online - 2021 (PDF, 410 Ko)
- FEI CES Veterinary Assessment Online Exam 2021 (PDF, 132 Ko)
- Convention Equine Cultures in Transition - SLU - Juin 2021 (PDF, 762 Ko)
- Use of a Horse Ridden pain Ethogram 2021 (Horse Ridden pain Ethogram) (PDF, 981 Ko)
- Séminaire IENA Academy 11 septembre 2021 - Bien-être du cheval de haut niveau (PDF, 345 Ko)
- Webinar Analgesie beim Pferd - Vetsuisse 21 septembre 2021 (PDF, 202 Ko)
- Vetsuisse ZH - Atemwegserkrankungen des Pferdes 28. Oktober 2021 (PDF, 320 Ko)
- IENA Academy - Comportements indésirables de son cheval - 13 novembre 2021 (PDF, 306 Ko)
- Webinar Evidence Based Saddle Fitting - Guire and Fischer - 12 december 2021 (PDF, 396 Ko)
- Education in Equine Rehabilitation - Diplom CERP 2021 (PDF, 73 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2020
- AAEP 2020 Online - Certificate of Coninuing Education - Part 2 (PDF, 8.5 Mo)
- AAEP 2020 Online Convention - Certificate of Continuing Education - Part 1 (PDF, 12.3 Mo)
- Formation en éthique animale - Uni Fribourg (PDF, 288 Ko)
- Dilpom Certificate of Advanced Study in Global Sport regulation - UNIL - 2020 (PDF, 328 Ko)
- FEI Certificate as a Permitted Treating Veterinarian (PDF, 129 Ko)
- FEI Event Veterinarian Course Monaco February 2020 (PDF, 443 Ko)
- FEI CES Veterinary Assessment Online Exam 2020 (PDF, 33 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2019
- American Association of Equine Practitioners - Convention - Denver, Colorado, USA - 2019 (PDF, 246 Ko)
- Symposium Pferde 2019 - Die Schweizer Rückenstudie - Zürich - 8. November 2019 (PDF, 523 Ko)
- SVPM Vetsuisse - Neue Ansätze in der Therapie von Magen-Darmerkrankungen beim Pferd - Zürich September 2019 (PDF, 369 Ko)
- Certificat de participation au 43ème ICMM - Bâle 2019 (PDF, 1.0 Mo)
- SVPM Kurs - Opthalmologie in der Pferdepraxis - Bern, 6 juin 2019 (PDF, 278 Ko)
- Journées Vétérinaires Suisses Fribourg 9 - 10 Mai 2019 (PDF, 339 Ko)
- Journées vétérinaires suisses ASME - Dermatologie - Avenches (PDF, 386 Ko)
- Réseau de recherche scientifique équine en Suisse - Avenches 2019 (PDF, 464 Ko)
- Twydil Scientific Equine Clinics - Berne - 2019 (PDF, 270 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2018
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2017
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2016
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2015
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2014
- Réseau de recherche scientifique équine en Suisse - Avenches - 2014 (PDF, 336 Ko)
- ASME Formation continue - Armée Suisse - Avenches - 2014 (PDF, 255 Ko)
- American Association of Equine Practitioners - Convention - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA - 2014 (PDF, 321 Ko)
- Twydil Scientific Equine Clinics - Berne - 2014 (PDF, 252 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2013
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2012
- SVPM/ASME Weiterbildung - Hufrehe und Cushing beim Pferd - Zürich - 2012 (PDF, 268 Ko)
- GST/SVS Vets - Interlaken - 2012 (PDF, 219 Ko)
- American Association of Equine Practitioners, Convention, Anaheim, California, USA - 2012 (PDF, 329 Ko)
- Congrès de Médecine et de Chirurgie Equine - Genève - 2012 (PDF, 345 Ko)
- Twydil Scientific Equine Clinics - Berne - 2012 (PDF, 251 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2011
- Réseau de recherche scientifique équine en Suisse - Avenches 2011 (PDF, 265 Ko)
- SVPS/ASME - Verhaltensmedizin beim Pferd - Bern - 2011 (PDF, 407 Ko)
- FEI Veterinarian Event Course 2 - San Antonio, Texas, USA - 2011 (PDF, 212 Ko)
- American Association of Equine Practitioners - Convention - San Antonio, Texas, USA - 2011 (PDF, 378 Ko)
- Twydil Scientific Equine Clinics - Berne - 2011 (PDF, 246 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2010
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2009
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2008
- ASME/SVPM - Weiterbildung Scientific Contributions to the Equine Nutrition - Zürich - 2008 (PDF, 234 Ko)
- SVPM/ASME - Weiterbildung Verhaltensmedizin beim Pferd - Bern - 2008 (PDF, 320 Ko)
- GST/SVS - Vets - BallyLab in Schönenwerd - 2008 (PDF, 232 Ko)
- Association Vétérinaire Equine Française - Congrès annuel - Reims - 2008 (PDF, 124 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2007
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2006
- SVPM/ASME - Weiterbildung Verhaltensmedizin beim Pferd - Bern und Avenches - 2006 (PDF, 478 Ko)
- GST/SVS - Zürich Irchel - 2006 (PDF, 210 Ko)
- Association Vétérinaire Equine Française - Congrès annuel - Paris Versailles - 2006 (PDF, 133 Ko)
- American Association of Equine Practitioners - Convention - San Antonio, Texas, USA - 2006 (PDF, 287 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2005
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2004
- Formation ASME - Omédvét, Passeport équin, contrôle médication - Zürich - 2004 (PDF, 242 Ko)
- FEI Event Veterinary Course - Lausanne - 2004 (PDF, 175 Ko)
- Biokema Equine Continuing Education Seminars - Notfallversorgung beim Pferd - Zürich - 2004 (PDF, 224 Ko)
- Biokema Equine Continuing Education Seminars - Hufkrankheiten und Hufbeschlag - Zürich - 2004 (PDF, 223 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2003
- Workshop Ankaufsuntersuchung beim Pferd in Theorie und Praxis - Biel-Benken, 2003 (PDF, 281 Ko)
- SVPM Tagung - Haltung, Verhalten und Tierschutz beim Pferd - Bern - 2003 (PDF, 204 Ko)
- GST/SVS Vets - Interlaken - 2003 (PDF, 233 Ko)
- Biokema Equine Continuing Education Seminars - Atemwege beim Pferd - Zürich - 2003 (PDF, 226 Ko)
- Congrès de Médecine et Chirurgie Equine - Genève - 2003 (PDF, 301 Ko)
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2002
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 2000
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1999
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1998
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1996
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1995
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1994
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1993
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1992
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1991
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1990
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1989
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1988
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1987
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1986
Continuing Education in Equine Medicine - 1985
Diplomas and Official Practice Authorizations
Diplomas and Certificates
- Dilpôme fédéral de médecin-vétérinaire 1985 (PDF, 559 Ko)
- Le serment de vétérinaire - Tierärztlicher Amtseid - The Veterinarian Oath (PDF, 271 Ko)
- Droit de pratqiue comme vétérinaire - canton du Jura (PDF, 548 Ko)
- Droit de pratique vétérinaire dans le canton de Vaud (PDF, 269 Ko)
- Droit de pratqiue comme vétérinaire - canton de Genève (PDF, 331 Ko)
- Droit de pratique comme vétérinaire dans le canton de Fribourg (PDF, 340 Ko)
- Certificat de compétence en médecine vétérinaire homéopathique - Lausanne 1986 (PDF, 189 Ko)
- Titre de Doctorat en médecine vétérinaire - Berne - 1987 (PDF, 242 Ko)
- Certificat de residency in Equine Reproduction and Equine Medicine - University of California Davis, USA - 1988 - 1989 (PDF, 485 Ko)
Continuin Education in Equine Sports
Diplomas and Certificates
- Swiss Olympic, Brevet d'entraîneur sportif d'Elite, Diplomtrainer (PDF, 178 Ko)
- Swiss Olympic - Brevet fédéral d'entraîneur - Brevet Grundtrainer (PDF, 206 Ko)
- Certificat IDHEAP en Management du Sport (PDF, 305 Ko)
- Moniteur de société FSSE - Vereinstrainer SVPS (PDF, 214 Ko)
- Diplome FSSE constructeur de Parcours 2* (PDF, 199 Ko)