Stéphane Montavon

Photo galleries

Rock Coeur - 2012

Uranie du Pré - 2014

Digne Coeur - Sandra Brunet Montavon - Berner Cup 2002

Diam's de Coeur - 2011

Uranie du Pré SF

Uranie du Pré SF, 2008, grey mare by Digne Cœur AA and K’Elle Cœur CH by Cruising IRL – Owner: Sandra Brunet

Uranie PLV Zoom sur « Uranie PLV » (touche ESC pour fermer)
Uranie du Pré SF

She’s the full sister of Rock Coeur. Endowed of one any other conformation, she returns the Anglo-Arab type, is fine and possesses an excellent style on the jump. Broken in and put to competition by her owner Sandra Brunet, she makes her first events in 2014.

You’ll never get a second chance to make a first IMPRESSION

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