Stéphane Montavon

Photo galleries

Digne Coeur - the best pictures

Imperium 2016 - CSI 1* San Giovanni

MET III 2017 - Oliva Spain

Diam's de Coeur - 2011

External Projects and Consultancy

Dr Stéphane Montavon (DVM) is Chief Veterinarian of the Swiss Army with the rank of Colonel of the Medical Forces. He is employed by the Department of Defense, Protection of Population and Sports as a civil member of staff with a contract based in civil law. This status allows him to take on external third party projects, consultancy and roles in organizations that are all declared to and approved by his hierarchy. All these projects are taken on a voluntary basis, with the exception of the HAFL – Equine Science Program which is subject to an annual authorization. The huge Contact Network generated by these external projects and consultancy represent the “added value” of Dr Stéphane Montavon and help him exercise his function as Chief Veterinarian of the Swiss Army. 

Swiss Association of Equine Practitioner SVPM-ASME

ASME ASME (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Past-President of the association (2003 – 2008), he is currently a consultant and examiner of the Board Exam FVH.

Swiss Federation of Equestrian Sports FSSE-SVPS

FSSE FSSE (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Technical Manager of the Jumping Comittee and member of the Jumping Selection Committee. Second Chef d’équipe of the Elite Jumping Team

Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI)

FEI FEI (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Veterinary Delegate for Jumping, Dressage and Eventing.

Jeunesse et sport - J+S

JS JS (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Expert “Jeunesse et sport” for Classic Riding and Equitation.

Swiss Olympic SO

Swiss Olympic Swiss Olympic (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

OFFT/BBT approved Trainer for Top showjumping Elite riders and Young riders.

Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires (HAFL)

HALF HALF (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Lecturer in Equine Science for both the Bachelor and Master Programs.

Geneva Equine Medicine and Surgery Congress CMCE

CMCE CMCE (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Vice-president and treasurer of the congress (2001 à 2012).

Twydil SA

Twydil Twydil (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Consultant for Switzerland, Fonder and Organizer of the « Twydil Equine Veterinary Clinics » of Bern.

Conseil et observatoire suisse de la filière du cheval (COFICHEV)

Cofichev Cofichev (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Member of the Bureau and representing the Swiss Army.

Vetsuisse Zürich

Vetsuisse Vetsuisse (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Lecturer of the Equine Identification Courses CIDE, on request of Professor Anton Fürst, Chief of the Equine Department.

The Young Riders Academy

The Young Riders Academy The Young Riders Academy (ouverture dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Lecturer since 2014 of the Equine Veterinary Medical Issues

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