Stéphane Montavon

Photo galleries

Imperium 2016

Diam's de Coeur - 2011

Diam's de Coeur - 2012

Eurovet Linz 2016

A wonderful AAEP Convention in Las Vegas - Nevada /USA

AAEP Convention in Las Vegas - Nevada /USA

As a member of the AAEP since 1988 (Amercian Association of Equine Practitioners) I could attend to my 14th convention. It was a great opportunity and a wonderful program. As always, is this convention the best continuing eduction in equine medicine ever....Take care and see you next year in Orlando - Florida

Certificate of Continuing Education AAEP Las Vegas 2015

Dr Stéphane Montavon DVM, AAEP Convention in Las Vegas 2015

You’ll never get a second chance to make a first IMPRESSION

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