Stéphane Montavon

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European Championship Veterinarian Hickstead (GBR) - 2004

Diam's de Coeur - 2014

Uranie du Pré - 2014

Imperium 2015

ALOGO MOVE PRO - Validation

Validation process of Alogo Move Pro took place in February 2021 at the National Equestrian Center of Bern (NPZB - CENB)

Thanks to a professional team and state-of-the-art equipment. Thanks to the riders of all levels for their patience. Thank you for the availability of horses of all levels and very proud to advance this beautiful project which has not finished making us discover new perspectives.

Congratulations David and thanks to the validation team, Lars and Christoffer Roepstorff as well as Mike Weishaupt from the Center for Sports Medicine in Zürich.

Thanks also to the National Equestrian Center of Bern (NPZB - CENB) for the provision of the facilities and to the Swiss Armed Forces for the supply of some horses.

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The Horsetrack project of Innosuisse allows Alogo Move Pro to continue to develop. Take a look at the video on the right. It's a work of Pro - Thanks to the TaM team (Travelling and Mobility) of the University of Geneva and to Jonathan Bertolaccini for the technique and the realization.

ALOGO MOVE PRO - The validation - Bern in February 2021

You’ll never get a second chance to make a first IMPRESSION

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